On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet
said: Allah the Almighty said:
I am as My servant thinks I am (1). I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.
Alhumdulilah rabil'alameen,
Allah has provided with the believer this beautiful Hadith Qudsi to show us how he will come closer to us if we strive to become closer to Him. SubhanALLAH! In our daily lives, we sometimes get tested with hardships, and just don't know what to do. We cry, complain, and turn away from ALLAH, but we forget that we should turn back. We should mention ALLAH. We should read his book. Read about His Sunnah. We should gather around with others that will help us remember ALLAH. We should draw near to our Lord.
SubhanALLAH, I have been getting together ladies at my university for Islamic issues, and to gather around to remember ALLAH. We talk about how its really nice because we're learning the deen, and we are supporting each other in this religion. We talk about the reality of this world and how its just a test and how its hard. We come together every Friday to remember ALLAH- to mention him. Many of the sisters say how they appreciate such an opportunity because it allows all of us to reflect and to remember the bigger picture, and our purpose. Very much so I agree with this. There is always that time in our daily lives in which we just think about life. We just think about where it's going and what we should do to make it better. When we get done sorting through all the chaos and the mess, we always remember that our life here is temporary. It's not permanent. Our Lord has prepared for us what we have earned.
This life is only a test. Either we will press forward to meet our Lord or we will not. When we gather with people we should gather to remember ALLAH and we should remember ALLAH in private, so that we can have our 1 on 1 time with ALLAH.
Insha'ALLAH this short, but important topic will keep you in the remembrance of ALLAHSWT and keep you firm upon this religion and siratul mustaqueem. AMEEN.
Yahyâ ibn Mu‘âdh (rahimahullâh) gathered the characteristics of the believers in one of his essays as follows, “It is to be full of modesty, and to be harmless too. To be full of goodness and not to be corrupt. For the tongue to be truthful, for the words to be little and to be plentiful in good action. To have little slip-ups and not to be excessive. To be good to one’s relatives, building closeness between them. To be dignified and grateful. To be full of contentment if Allâh restricted some provision. To be forbearing and friendly to his brothers. To be compassionate and chaste. Not to curse, swear, insult, backbite, nor to gossip. Not to be hasty, envious, hateful, arrogant nor vain. Not to lean towards worldliness, nor to extend long hopes and wishes. Not to sleep too much nor to be absent-mined, nor to show-off nor be hypocritical. Not to be selfish, but to be soft and cheerful, nor servile. Loving for only the sake of Allâh, being pleased for His sake and being angry for His sake. His provision is taqwâ (reverential fear of Allâh). His worries are what will happen to him in the Afterlife. His friends remind him. His beloved is His Protector and Master. His struggle is for Afterlife.”