it races towards us
quickly taking any traps and tricks to get us to
quit our belief
we run faster and faster
using the tools to stay firm upon al quran wa sunnah
disbelief there
innovators here
we run far
we race towards our ultimate goal
the jannah
we remember to follow the middle path
and to protect against being too lenient and being too extreme
Allah tells us in the quran that this life is nothing but amusement and play, and mutual boasting amongst ourselves
we must struggle in the path of allah
continue to live for the sake of allah
we must not be deceived by the life of this world
we cannot be cornered by the shaytan
but we
we can achieve our high aim of jannah
if we continue to strive for the face of our lord
if we continue to remember the reality of this dunya
As Salamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Alhamdulillah let us start off in the name of Allah the most high who created all things. To him belongs all praise and in him do we put our trust alone. My name is Ruqayah and I teamed up with my friend Lauren to make this Blog so we could share our views and and give our advice from our perspective according to The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah the most high be upon him). Enjoy!

Mâlik ibn Dînâr (rahimahullâh) said, “Whoever proposed to the world, then the world would not be satisfied until he gave up his Deen as dowry.”
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