Alhumdulilah rabil'alameen,
Allah, the Exalted, says:
"As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely, guide them to Our paths (i.e., Allah's religion - Islamic Monotheism). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun (gooddoers)". (29:69)
"And worship your Rubb until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e., death)". (15:99)
"And remember the Name of your Rubb and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion.'' (73:8)
"So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it". (99:7)
"And whatever good you send before you for yourselves (i.e., Nawafil - non-obligatory acts of worship: prayers, charity, fasting, Hajj and Umrah, etc.), you will certainly find it with Allah, better and greater in reward.'' (73:20)
"And whatever you spend in good, surely, Allah knows it well.'' (2:273)
In these verses of the quran we have to ponder what ALLAH is saying to the believer. Allah is telling the believers to strive for his cause, to keep going when things get bad, to never give up even if the kitchen becomes too hot, and to keep pushing.
The ProphetSAW tells us in Sahih-Muslim: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good. Adhere to that which is beneficial for you.
When a believer keeps the remembrance of ALLAH it causes the believer to refrain from sinning, and to gain the pleasure of ALLAH by doing the deeds that are pleasing to ALLAH, and by following them up with extra deeds, or simply with words of remembrance, such as: SubhanALLAH, alhumdulilah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, La Ilaha illah, astahgfiruallah, and etc. In remembering our Lord we begin to understand the countless bounties and blessings he will give us, and the promise he has made to the believer who strives in his path. He reminds us that he will give us what we have earned, so we will not be denied the ibaadah, or the worship we have performed for our Lord.
Sometimes in our lives we can become impatient, distracted, upset, sad, or just preoccupied, but a believer will be quick to remember that ALLAH will suffice for being his protector, his avenger, his provider, and etc. A believer will quickly remember that his Lord listens to all that is supplicated to him-day or night.
As we push through the hard and good times of our lives, we have to remember that everything to the believer have good in it. Even if we think that the worst situation is absent of any good. When we turn to our Lord it is true peace that one has in their heart. We can turn on a movie and find happiness, or talk to a friend, but this is not where your true protection comes from. You should reside in your Lord and seek his countenance and seek his answers. We prostrate to our lord and make du'a even when we are not feeling up to it. Even if we are walking we should make du'a or laying down. Our lord will always be there to listen.
As a believer, we have to make dhikr, or remembrance of ALLAH by performing the pleasing deeds to ALLAH, or simply by saying words of remembrance. Our lord will hear us. The angels will write down our actions. We will not be ignored. Even if times are hard we have to remember that our Lord is available at any moment and second of the day.
As Salamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Alhamdulillah let us start off in the name of Allah the most high who created all things. To him belongs all praise and in him do we put our trust alone. My name is Ruqayah and I teamed up with my friend Lauren to make this Blog so we could share our views and and give our advice from our perspective according to The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah the most high be upon him). Enjoy!

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