As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuh All! : D
Im not sure about you guys, but boyyyy, have We heard this too many times! "The laws of Quran and Sunnah no longer apply to us" "The Quran and Sunnah are out dated". Oh Allah what in the world is this? Have we honestly reached a point in our lives as an ummah that we actually believe that the Quran, the best book EVER revealed to mankind, and the Sunnah, the ways and examples of our beloved Prophet SAW are out dated????? SubhanAllah, if we only knew. Allah tells us numerous times in the Quran that he has sent the Quran down to the believers as a guide and a mercy so that we may be warned against that which is evil.
“For we had certainly sent unto them a Book, based on knowledge, which we explained in detail― a guide and a mercy to all who believe.” Surah 7 Ayah 52
Without this guide (the Quran), there is no doubt that we would all be lost and stray from the straight path which is Islam. For example, Alhamdulillah we have a beautiful Surah that teaches us how we should address the non muslims, Surah Al-Kaffiroon. It reads:
1. Qul ya ayyuha alkafiroona: Say: O ye that reject Faith! 2. La aAAbudu ma taAAbudoona: I worship not that which ye worship, 3. Wala antum AAabidoona ma aAAbudu: Nor will ye worship that which I worship, 4. Wala ana AAabidun ma AAabadtum: And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, 5. Wala antum AAabidoona ma aAAbudu: Nor will ye worship that which I worship. 6. Lakum deenukum waliya deeni: To you be your Way, and to me mine.
We can use and apply this Surah to our everyday lives. Say, a non muslim approaches you and asks what they alwayssssss ask, the sisters know what im talking about ; ) "ummm, hey! why do you have to wear that thing on your head?" Unfortunatley, most of us answer this question the hard way. We will break our backs trying to explain to the non muslims our way of thinking and why we do things when in TRUTH they could care less. Now im not saying you can't sit there for 10 minutes trying explain why you wear hijab BUT, in all honesty half the non muslims who ask, ask only to debate with you, and we have all gone down that road before *rolls eyes* . But we can simply answer this question using Surah Al-kaffiroon. Now, its not likely you'll see a muslim reciting the whole surah to the "curious" non muslim, but a simple "I wear this "thing" on my head because its what i believe in, and to you be your way, and to me mine" is a perfect, polite way of answering the question and an even better way to use the guide (the Quran) that Allah SWT blessed us with. While the Quran gives us a great way to address non muslims, it also guides us in areas such as marriage, divorce, respecting parents, nursing, and so many more things that affects our everyday lives. The Quran quided the sahaba back then and it still to this day proves to be a guide. Still think the Quran is out dated?
"So what about the Sunnah? The Sunnah is wayyyyy out dated, i mean come on! Examples of the prophet SAW???? That was ages ago this is 2011!" Yep, people actually do think this way. Pretty sad and pretty pathetic. You will meet your everyday muslims who pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay the zakat that is do, and have even saved up enough money to make Hajj this year, but they will tell you straight up the Sunnah is out dated and all they need is the Quran. Well honestly, the Quran and Sunnah go hand in hand. Can't do one with out the other. Its kind of like a car and it's engine. The car cannot go without the engine. And the engine without a car is of no benefit. Thats how the Quran and Sunnah are, you cannot take from one and expect to practice Islam perfectly. Infact, The Quran and The Sunnah are the only two sources of knowledge that we as muslims should refer to. Now we know that it is the new "trend" to go to your imams and demand fatwas, or refer to fatwa online websites, but might we point out that a fatwa should only be given in the case that your situation doesn't exactly match with the sunnah or what has be stated in the Quran (the two sources of knowledge), and not EVERYONE can just randomly pass a fatwa, you must be a qualified scholar of the Deen. Without the Sunnah of The Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is safe to say that the Islam we know of today would be very, and I mean VERY different! The Sunnah serves as a method of guidance just like the Quran, and a method of warning those who believe against evil. The Prophet SAW said :
"My example and the example of what I have been sent with is that of a man who came to some people and said, 'O people! I have seen the enemy's army with my own eyes, and I am the naked warner; so protect yourselves!' Then a group of his people obeyed him and fled at night proceeding stealthily till they were safe, while another group of them disbelieved him and stayed at their places till morning when the army came upon them, and killed and ruined them completely So this is the example of that person who obeys me and follows what I have brought (the Quran and the Sunna), and the example of the one who disobeys me and disbelieves the truth I have brought." --Bukhari
From this hadith we can see the true importance of following the Sunnah. Its a matter of hell or heaven. If we follow the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet SAW then there can be nothing for us but good in the here after! Allah SWT says in the Quran:
"O ye who Believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything from among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do Believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable for final determination." Surah 4 Ayah 59
Without the Sunnah we would not be able to do a majority of the actions that are required of us such as praying. You can read the Quran from cover to cover, but you will not find one single ayah that explains how and when we should pray. All of this, Allah SWT revealed to the prophet SAW directly, He did not include this in the Quran. And with out the Sunnah we would be pretty lost. Not only does the Sunnah teach us how to pray but it also teaches us how, and when, and for how long to fast, how to make wudu, how to take a ghusl, and sooooo many more things, and not just ANY thing, things that still apply and help us out to this very day
Truly we can say Alhamdulillah for the Quran which is a guide for those who believe and for the Sunnah of our Prophet SAW which teaches how to worship Allah. Truly Allah is the greatest and He made no mistake when he made this religion. Allah did not make Islam as a method that only applied to those before us, but he made it as way of life to apply and live by until we are raised up to him once more.
Lauren and Ruqayah,
According to The Sunnah
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