Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dunya: The Perspective of a Muslimah

it races towards us
quickly taking any traps and tricks to get us to
quit our belief
we run faster and faster
using the tools to stay firm upon al quran wa sunnah
disbelief there
innovators here
we run far
we race towards our ultimate goal
the jannah
we remember to follow the middle path
and to protect against being too lenient and being too extreme
Allah tells us in the quran that this life is nothing but amusement and play, and mutual boasting amongst ourselves
we must struggle in the path of allah
continue to live for the sake of allah
we must not be deceived by the life of this world
we cannot be cornered by the shaytan
but we
we can achieve our high aim of jannah
if we continue to strive for the face of our lord
if we continue to remember the reality of this dunya

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Striving Towards ALLAH

On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet  said: Allah the Almighty said:

I am as My servant thinks I am (1). I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.

Alhumdulilah rabil'alameen,

Allah has provided with the believer this beautiful Hadith Qudsi to show us how he will come closer to us if we strive to become closer to Him. SubhanALLAH! In our daily lives, we sometimes get tested with hardships, and just don't know what to do. We cry, complain, and turn away from ALLAH, but we forget that we should turn back. We should mention ALLAH. We should read his book. Read about His Sunnah. We should gather around with others that will help us remember ALLAH. We should draw near to our Lord. 

SubhanALLAH, I have been getting together ladies at my university for Islamic issues, and to gather around to remember ALLAH. We talk about how its really nice because we're learning the deen, and we are supporting each other in this religion. We talk about the reality of this world and how its just a test and how its hard. We come together every Friday to remember ALLAH- to mention him. Many of the sisters say how they appreciate such an opportunity because it allows all of us to reflect and to remember the bigger picture, and our purpose. Very much so I agree with this. There is always that time in our daily lives in which we just think about life. We just think about where it's going and what we should do to make it better. When we get done sorting through all the chaos and the mess, we always remember that our life here is temporary. It's not permanent. Our Lord has prepared for us what we have earned.

This life is only a test. Either we will press forward to meet our Lord or we will not. When we gather with people we should gather to remember ALLAH and we should remember ALLAH in private, so that we can have our 1 on 1 time with ALLAH.

Insha'ALLAH this short, but important topic will keep you in the remembrance of ALLAHSWT and keep you firm upon this religion and siratul mustaqueem. AMEEN.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seek Knowledge of Islam

Alhumdulilah Rabil'alameen,

According to Sahih Bukhari "
Narrated Anas:
I will narrate to you a Hadith and none other than I will tell you about after it. I heard Allah's Apostle saying: From among the portents of the Hour are (the following):
1. Religious knowledge will decrease (by the death of religious learned men).
2. Religious ignorance will prevail. "

Allah is telling the believer that the knowledge of true Islam will fade over time, and ignorance will be prevalent in the lands. As Muslims, we are told to seek knowledge of religion, so we can know how to worship our Lord, so we will know how to avoid the unlawful and to know what the lawful is, and to know the sunnah of our prophetsaw.

We should surround ourselves around students of knowledge who understands Qur'an and Sunnah, so we may become knowledgeable about the deen of ALLAH.

A simple du'a that can be recited that ALLAH tells us is:

"And say: `My Rubb! Increase me in knowledge.'' (20:114)

We can make du'a to ALLAH asking him to increase us in knowledge.

Allah tells us in the interpretation of the meaning:

Are those who know equal to those who know not?''' (39:9)

"Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge.'' (58:11)

"It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah.'' (35:28)

He is telling the believe that it is important that we seek knowledge of Him. He also reminds the believer that the one who has knowledge of the religion is not equal to those who do not have knowledge of the deen.

The ProphetSAW tells us:

 Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.''

The path to knowledge will be eased for the person who is in sincere search for it. Allah will leave a person who is willing to learn the deen.

In this short, but important topic the Muslims understand that seeking knowledge of the Religion is highly important, and ALLAH raise those in ranks who has knowledge of the religion over those who do not. In seeking knowledge of the religion then one is able to convey the message of Islam, practice Islam and strive towards the path of Allah.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktuh Brothers and Sisters!

Have you ever heard the saying "LIVE EACH DAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST" ? 
It is a saying that has been said for years by many different people. But what exactly does this saying mean? Does it mean life is short so we should spend our time fulfilling our inner most desires, living rule free, and partying it up? Or does it mean we should spend our time remembering Allah and doing the deeds that are most pleasing to him so that in turn we may be rewarded with the the best of rewards, Paradise? What ever your interpritation of this saying may be, we would like to share our very own opinion of this saying, through our very own perspective, using our very own supporting evidence. Lets take a closer look at these two opinions.
The first opinion seems like it would appeal more to "free spirited" people, who are very attached to the materialistic things and life of this world. Those who indulge in smoking, drinking, partying all night know, living la vida loca! (living the crazy life).  These type of people believe they should live their lives doing the very things that please themselves most before they die (what ever THAT may be *rolls eyes*). To many people, this type of lifestyle may seem to be the glory of all glories, as Allah SWT has told us in the Quran that he has created us weak and subjected to following our desires, and when we give in to our desires, we in turn wrong our own souls.

"Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties): for man was created weak (in flesh)." Surah 4 Ayah 28
" is man that wrongs his own soul." Surah10 Ayah 44

If we take another look at the Quran, we can see how Allah SWT discourages this type of behavior, and has informed us for those people who die upon sin without repentance they will inherit none but the most dreadful punishment, the Hellfire.

"...But the wrongdoers pursued the enjoyment of the good things of life which were given them, and persisted in sin." Surah 11 Ayah 116
"It will be said to the wrongdoers: "Taste ye (the fruits of) what ye earned!" Quran 39 Ayah 24

"...and We have prepared for (all) wrongdoers a grievous Penalty" Quran 25 Ayah 37

"...their ultimate abode is hell: what an evil bed (to lie on)!" Quran 3 Ayah 197

With the above Ayahs from the Quran as evidence, clearly those who believe living their lives in the "fast lane" will give them the pleasure of living a happy life before they die, in truth are only wronging themselves and filling their graves with bad deeds that will forever haunt them. And if today were to be their last ,they would find they have traded in their spot in the Paradise for the life of this world. SubhanAllah!

 The second opinion appeals more to righteous, true believing Muslims, who fear Allah and know that if they do right, there is a great reward waiting for them, that reward being Paradise. Those Muslims who walk the earth remembering Allah and making sure they do the deeds that are pleasing to him. This is the view that we agree with most and try our best to implement. While this way of life isn't as appealing as the other because of the things one must refrain from and because of our weak nature, it is the BEST way, and will assure that if today is your last, you will earn a goodly reward from Allah.
Allah Says in the Quran:

"But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom they say: "Why this is what we were fed with before" for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (forever)." Surah 2 Ayah 25

"But those who have faith and work righteousness, they are Companions of the Garden therein shall they abide (for ever)." Surah 2 Ayah 82

"As to those who believe, and work righteousness Allah, will pay them (in full) their reward; but Allah loveth not those who do wrong." Surah 3 Ayah 57

"But those who believe and work righteousness will be admitted to Gardens beneath which rivers flow to dwell therein for aye with the leave of their Lord: Their greeting therein will be: "Peace!" " Surah 14 Ayah 23
"Live each day as if it were your last"....dont let your last day be your last regret.
 May Allah SWT guide us and keep us all upon the straight path! Ameen!

Lauren and Ruqayah
According to The Sunnah


Monday, April 4, 2011

Dhikr: Keeping Remembrance of ALLAH

Alhumdulilah rabil'alameen, 

Allah, the Exalted, says:
"As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely, guide them to Our paths (i.e., Allah's religion - Islamic Monotheism). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun (gooddoers)". (29:69)

"And worship your Rubb until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e., death)". (15:99)

"And remember the Name of your Rubb and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion.'' (73:8)
"So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it". (99:7)

"And whatever good you send before you for yourselves (i.e., Nawafil - non-obligatory acts of worship: prayers, charity, fasting, Hajj and Umrah, etc.), you will certainly find it with Allah, better and greater in reward.'' (73:20)

"And whatever you spend in good, surely, Allah knows it well.'' (2:273)

      In these verses of the quran we have to ponder what ALLAH is saying to the believer. Allah is telling the believers to strive for his cause, to keep going when things get bad, to never give up even if the kitchen becomes too hot, and to keep pushing. 

The ProphetSAW tells us in Sahih-Muslim: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good. Adhere to that which is beneficial for you.

When a believer keeps the remembrance of ALLAH it causes the believer to refrain from sinning, and to gain the pleasure of ALLAH by doing the deeds that are pleasing to ALLAH, and by following them up with extra deeds, or simply with words of remembrance, such as: SubhanALLAH, alhumdulilah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, La Ilaha illah, astahgfiruallah, and etc. In remembering our Lord we begin to understand the countless bounties and blessings he will give us, and the promise he has made to the believer who strives in his path. He reminds us that he will give us what we have earned, so we will not be denied the ibaadah, or the worship we have performed for our Lord. 

Sometimes in our lives we can become impatient, distracted, upset, sad, or just preoccupied, but a believer will be quick to remember that ALLAH will suffice for being his protector, his avenger, his provider, and etc. A believer will quickly remember that his Lord listens to all that is supplicated to him-day or night.

As we push through the hard and good times of our lives, we have to remember that everything to the believer have good in it. Even if we think that the worst situation is absent of any good.  When we turn to our Lord it is true peace that one has in their heart. We can turn on a movie and find happiness, or talk to a friend, but this is not where your true protection comes from. You should reside in your Lord and seek his countenance and seek his answers. We prostrate to our lord and make du'a even when we are not feeling up to it. Even if we are walking we should make du'a or laying down.  Our lord will always be there to listen.

As a believer, we have to make dhikr, or remembrance of ALLAH by performing the pleasing deeds to ALLAH, or simply by saying words of remembrance. Our lord will hear us. The angels will write down our actions. We will not be ignored. Even if times are hard we have to remember that our Lord is available at any moment and second of the day.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Exciting news!!!!

There is a FREE, and yes we mean COMPLETELY free, no catches, no hoax, Online Islamic University called SUNNAH FOLLOWERS!!
This beautiful site has been around for over 20 years and still counting! Teaching Muslims their religion based on the Quran and the AUTHENTIC Sunnah in its total and complete truthfulness! 

Sunnah Followers is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and offers FREE classes, yes that means no tuition or hidden fees, taught by QUALIFIED daiyees (callers to the truth) who have study this religion for most of their lives and refer ONLY to the two sources of knowledge in Islam which are the Quran and the AUTHENTIC Sunnah.

Sunnah Followers has a wide range of different classes taught by different teachers using some of the best technology that is out right now! Some of the classes include: 

  • Tawheed Class which is taught by Sister Laila Nasheeba every day unless other wise stated, at 3:30pm EST/ 8:30pm GMT/ 11:30am MECCA/ 5:30am SYDNEY
  • Hadith class which is also taught by Sister Laila Nasheeba every monday, tuesday, friday, and saturday  at 9:15pm EST/ 2:15am GMT/ 5:15am MECCA/ 11:15am SYDNEY ; also 40 Nawawi Hadith class is taught by Sheikh Muhammad Omran every tuesday at 5am EST/ 10am GMT/ 1pm MECCA/ 7pm SYDNEY
  • Tasfeer Class is taught by Imam Zia every thursday 10:30pm EST / 3:30am GMT / 5:30am MECCA / 1:30pm SYDNEY ; also taught by Sheikh Ibrahim Dremali every sunday at 2pm EST / 7pm GMT / 10pm MECCA / 4am SYDNEY
  • The fiqh of Marriage is also taught by Sheikh Ibrahim Dremali every sunday at 1pm EST / 6pm GMT / 9pm MECCA / 3am SYDNEY
  • Aqeedah Issues is taught by Imam Jamel every other tuesday at 5pm EST/ 9pm GMT/ 12am MECCA/ 8am SYDNEY 
  • The Ideal Muslim is taught by Sheikh Muhammad Shameem  6pm EST / 10pm GMT / 1am MECCA / 9pm SYDNEY
And so many more!

Sound too good to be true? Check sunnah followers out for yourself! No registration required, just simply log on, listen, and learn your deen!

Hope to see you there!

Lauren and Ruqayah
According to The Sunnah


Passing The Trials In Life and Understanding Our Purpose

Alhumdulilah Rabil-Alameen(Praise Be To The Lord of mankind),

       As Muslims, we are told that this dunya, or this world is nothing but a test for the believer. ALLAHSWT tells us in the interpretation of the meaning:

You will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allaah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allaah – indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination. (Ali-Imraan: 186)

    We have to stay mindful that our reason to live is to worship ALLAH, believe in ALLAHSWT, and make it to Jannah, but of course there will be tests in our lives for ALLAH to see who truly believes in him. Allah tells us in the quran that we will not be left alone for merely saying we believe:

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. Quran: 29:2-3

Allah is warning the believers that there will be trials for us to overcome. These trials  
can be our wealth, our family, our possessions, and etc, and just saying that you believe
is not enough. We must prove ourselves to Allah, and stand firm upon his guidance
and the Prophet's(peace and blessings be upon him). 

Allah tells us in the interpretation of the meaning:

 "I have only created jinns and humans to worship Me. I do not need from them to provide 
     for Me, and I do not need from them to feed Me. Allah is surely the One Who gives 
          providence, and He is the Mighty and Strong." 
                             Quran( Chapter 51, Verses 56-58)

   When going throughout our lives we have to strive for our ultimate goal, and what is that
goal? That goal is Jannah, or paradise. When striving each and every day to do the pleasing
things to ALLAH we will become stronger in our faith, and we will be tested with the most
dearest things in our lives. We have to make a choice between striving for the
Face of ALLAH or striving for just the pleasures of this world. 

One of the sahaba states:

Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Our brothers are dearer to us than our families, for our families remind us of this world
but our brothers remind us of the Hereafter.

When we surround ourselves by other Muslims that are striving to the Jannah then we are able to keep ourselves firm upon the guidance of ALLAH and his messenger RasululahSAW. 

Insha'ALLAH, by reading this brief, but important post on the purpose of life, and about the tests we will be given by ALLAHswt then it will become easier for the believer to face the tests with the guidance of ALLAH and to prepare for struggles in their path to reach the ultimate goal of paradise. 

Wa alaikom salaam,
Lauren And Ruqayah