Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcome! A Brief Introduction!

Assalamu alaikom,

        We would like to bring the Muslims a blog, or a place to go online to listen, to learn, and to read about two different experiences of two Muslims living in two different places. In undertaking this journey of ours, it will be helpful, and also welcoming to have others inputs on our posts. We both study the deen, or the religion of Islam on a daily basis, and prefer to to educate others by teaching the things we have learned from our teachers, imams, and sheikhs upon Quran and Sunnah. We're two Muslimahs striving to make it to the jannah, insha'ALLAH, and wishing others to join us on a path of struggle for ALLAH SWT in remembering Him, in following the example of his messenger SAW, and by implementing his sunnah in our lives.

So, what does all this mean? Why are we doing this together?

We are simply two sisters who live in two different places wanting to share our experiences on what it means to be Muslim, and what it means to live an Islamic life. Of course, there are many others out there who are striving to see the Face of their Lord, so why not leave a comment? Or email us at:

InshaALLAH, we'll try to post about hadiths,ayats,lessons, or life experiences.

Wa alaikom salaam,
Ruqayah and Lauren


  1. Masha'Allah...may Allah Ta'ala reward you for your efforts..looking forward to following your blog sisters :o)

  2. Ameen, jazakallah kahiran sis jawharah :)

  3. maa shaa Allaah tabarakallaah,
    Mutarrif ibn ‘Abdullâh (rahimahullâh) would say, “I am not surprised at the one who is destroyed, how he was destroyed, but am amazed at the one who was saved, how he was saved, and Allâh never granted a blessing greater than the gift of Islâm.”

  4. Alhumdulilah brother Adam, May ALLAHSWT give you highest of jannah. Ameen.
